Study, Ford formations

MedicineStudy and Occupation

Catholic University of Nijmegen 2. State Exam, Doktorandus (Drs.)
In addition: Counselling of students, assistant in psychiatric practice,
Teaching a course on Sexology, caring for elderly individuals suffering from
dementia, working at a Women's center, etcetera.

1991-1993FU Berlin, Practical year
Psychosomatic Clinic Steglitz,
Clinic for Natural Health Moabit

AIP Berlin, Psychiatry (Nerve Clinic Spandau),
General Practice (Focusing on HIV),  
3. State Exam, licensure as a Doctor     


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NaturopathyTraining and Courses


Astrology, Homeopathy
Catholic University of Nijmegen

from 1983HP School Berlin 
Three-year part time training in Naturopathy
(20 hours per week, plus additional weekend seminars) 
Classic Homeopathy
Classic massage, Shiatsu
Foot Reflex Zone therapy, Chiropractice
Brook remedies, Iris diagnosis
Colour therapy
Chinese Medicine / Accupuncture
Cancer therapy
Azidosis therapy with Dr Collier
Qi Gung

Course 'Women's Health' FFGZ, Berlin

Accupuncture after Raddha, Berlin
1987-1993Training and Apprenticeship Foot Reflex Zone therapy 
With Hanne Marquardt
AyurvedaJourney to India 
Spirit HealingTwo journeys to the Phillipines
Additional training and treatment with spirit surgery



1980-1982Founding of / Working at the Health Center Nijmegen,
The Netherlands
1985-1987Occupation in outpatient clinic, Berlin
1987-1988Women's Councelling and Treatment, Berlin
1986-1989HP-Joint Practice, Naturopathy, Berlin
Since 1986Teacher in (amongst others) Physiology, Anatomy, Foot Reflex Zone Therapy.

Since 1989


Own HP-Practice, Berlin


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Music and 

Training / Courses
Voice LessonsThree-year classic training, Belcanto.
With N. v. d. Spek, the Netherlands
Afterwards several years with other teachers
Jazz Singing

3-year Masterclass and training with Reggie Moore, Berlin
Training by Eve Adams, Berlin

Song and
Rhiannon (Several weekends in Germany, the Netherlands, USA)
Michael Betzner, Shelly Hirsch
Healing SoundJonathan Goldmann, USA
Musical Therapy

One-year vocational training with Inge Latz, Southern Germany
Course with K. Schuhmacher, Berlin University of Art (UdKB)

MonochordBernhard Deutz, Berlin
Overtone singingMichael Vetter, Miroslav Grosser, Berlin
Indian MusicYear group Sangit Waldner,
Sangeeta Banjiopaja, Berlin
Additional training (Several weekends) with Mike Noack, 
Healing TonesLaeh M. Garfield 
Yana Runnals,
Kay Gardner, USA
Voice and BodyLangenbeck-Method,
Method Mirka Yemendzakis
Breathing Type
Several courses with Renate Schulze-Schindler,
Romeo A. Kia,
Mary Harper
Breathing TherapyCourses in Middendorf  with Lena Dumschat
Additional medical training
Voice and TraumaVocational training with Molly Scott
Roy HartVocational training with Jonathan Hart, 
Rotterdam, the Netherlands
World MusicPeggy Larson, the Netherlands
Georgian with Tamara, Berlin
YodelingYodeling course and symposium, Switzerland
Conductor and Choir MasterVocational Training at the Sängerbund and Academy Berlin
Course with Irmel Weber
LogopediaOne-on-one sessions over a duration of several years
Piano ClassesOver several years
PercussionAt 'Groove, Lärm und Lust' and others, Berlin
Conga and DjembeSeveral courses
Economics of
Two Semesters at the Hans Eisler Hochschule
DancingAfro-Dance, Belly dancing (Several years, numerous performances), Standard Dancing, Folk dancing, Step Dancing
SalsaOver several years, K. Eberstein, Berlin
Circle DancingSeveral courses at 'Universal Peace', Berlin
TheatreClassic, Political, Women's theatre (Courses and performances),
The Netherlands and Berlin
Activity as
Choir SingerActive in various choirs in Berlin and the Netherlands since 
The age of six
Solo SingerVon Classic singing, to Jazz and light music, in several groups and nsembles; Later also in connection to sing-along concerts
Choir Master

Since 1995 (Choir 'Chorabella', as well as other projects)
Course LeaderFor Homeopathic song therapy since 1984
ProducerLabel Rainbow Woman Production since 1995, production and marketing of Seven commercial albums

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TherapyTrainign and courses including Self-therapy and Training-therapy




Four-year training course- Institute vor Transformative Somatic Psychotherapy, Berlin

NLP-PractionalBaisc training with Dr. Janofske- IKS Berlin

PsychotherapyOne-on-one therapy with Barbara Kalinowski, Wolfgang Hegenbarth, and others, Berlin

Balint GroupTraining Group Clinic 1993, Berlin



Since 2000, working with an energy healer and clairvoyant, Berlin

Work with BioenergyTraining and one-on-one sessions with trainees at the
'Institute for Intuitive Developement', Utrecht, the Netherlands


Courses and one-on-one sessions, Berlin



SupervisionTeam leading at HP-Practice, Berlin

Social / Political WorkWork for several social and political groups and organisations,
Berlin, Nijmegen, the Netherlands